Notice Board
Week beginning: Sunday, 8th of September 2024
Index of Notices
Click on an index listing to go directly to that notice.
Scripture Commentary
by Rev. Dr. Mark O'Brien
Exodus 24:3-8
This reading comes towards the end of the account of the Sinai covenant that runs from Exodus 19–24. The people have experienced the glory of God on Mt Sinai and heard the divine voice proclaim the Decalogue/Ten Commandments. Overwhelmed by this they ask Moses to approach God on their behalf, thereby acknowledging his special role and relationship. Moses receives what is generally called the ‘Covenant Code’ that runs from the end of Exodus 20 to 23. It appears to spell out and apply aspects of the Decalogue. The tendency now is to think that the Covenant Code may be the earliest of the three major law codes in the Pentateuch (others in Leviticus 17–26 and Deuteronomy 12–26) with the Decalogue a later summary. Divine inspiration works with the thought modes and culture of the particular people of the particular time(s).
Up to this point the initiative has all been God’s. But in order to have a relationship (a covenant) the people need to accept it freely. This they do when Moses reports all that he has heard from God. Moses then writes down the commands as a sign of their enduring authority and applicability. The new relationship is then celebrated, as in most societies, by an appropriate ritual. In a society that practised animal sacrifice this necessitates the construction of a sacrificial altar, along with twelve stones to symbolise that the covenant is equally with all the tribes of Israel. Because Aaron and his sons have not yet been ordained (cf. book of Leviticus), some young men are commissioned to perform the sacrifices that symbolise Israel’s communion or intimate relationship with God. All human life is based to a greater or lesser degree on faith and it is what people believe happens that counts in rituals. As with the Mass nothing can be proved to the satisfaction of the modern experimentally driven mind except that people believe it. Ancient Israelites believed that the life of a person or animal was in its blood and that life belonged to God. One can only kill an animal and eat or sacrifice it because, one believes, God gave the okay to do so and this is preserved in biblical texts (e.g. Genesis 9:1-7 for killing and eating). The life that belongs to God must be returned to God by divinely approved methods of disposal (proclaimed by the priests). But it can also, again with divine approval, be used in liturgies to symbolise the life that God gives and to heal damaged life. Whereas we disinfect places where we find bloodstains, they used blood as a kind of disinfectant because of their convictions about its cleansing power. Both reactions recognise in different ways the importance and ‘power’ of blood in human life.
Hence the blood of the sacrifice is sprinkled first on the altar that symbolises the presence of God to Israel. It is then, after the solemn reading of the Book of the Covenant (note three references to the law texts in this passage, to underscore its importance) sprinkled on the people. This gesture symbolises the life that God gives Israel in the covenant relationship. One could even say, in our terminology, that they are graced or empowered to keep the rules of the covenant. Nevertheless grace, as we know, does not take away freedom to sin and this happens with the Israel of the story in the famous episode of the golden calf, a few chapters later. Note how the account of the Sinai covenant has deftly shifted focus from the initial son et lumiere of the experience of God on the mountain to the centrality of ‘these rules’. These rules make God as present to the obedient Israelite as the grand theophany on the mountain. It is evidently written with subsequent generations in mind.
Ps 115:12-13, 15-16, 17-18
As a song of thanksgiving the responsorial psalm selection follows well after our reading. The ‘cup of salvation’ presumably refers to the cup of wine in Numbers 15:5, 7 that was given (‘lifted up’) to God as part of the liturgy. If we consult the full version of the psalm we learn that the psalmist is thanking God for delivering ‘my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling’. This provides scope for people to invoke the psalm for a variety of situations. Understandably, the church lectionary has chosen it for this feast of the Body and Blood of Christ because of the statement ‘O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful.’ The death of Jesus was indeed most precious in God’s eyes and, we believe, wrought our salvation. However, it is worth noting that in the context of the psalm itself this statement more than likely refers to deliverance from death – for which the psalmist is thanking God, as indicated above. The psalmist believes that the death of God’s faithful ones is so precious or important in God’s sight that it will take place only when God judges it is most appropriate. The psalmist prayed to God when endangered by death and was delivered, a sign that there is unfinished business that is important and that God wants attended to. This is indicated in the way the selection ends with the psalmist proclaiming that he/she will fulfil all vows/commitments properly and publicly. Because God has ‘delivered’ the psalmist in order to do this, it will be done most gladly – with thanksgiving.
© Mark O'Brien
Rev Dr Mark O’Brien is a member of the Department of Biblical Studies at the Catholic Theological College, Melbourne, and lectures in Old Testament studies. He is also a visiting lecturer at the Yarra Theological Union (Box Hill), and the United Faculty of Theology (Parkville). He is a priest of the Order of Preachers (known as the Dominicans).
- Social Justice Liturgy
Would you like to join a small planning group to help with the liturgies when there are special Social Justice occasions?
There would be only 3 a year:
- Social Justice Sunday
- NATSICC Sunday
- Refugee Sunday
Please call Amanda on 0412-733-009 if you are interested.
- Serra International
Serra International - Prayer for Vocations
"Heavenly Father, help us respond to and live out our mission in the Church. Help all your people to know their vocation in life, and assist them to prepare for it.
For your greater glory, and for the service of your people, call many to be Priests and Religious. Give those whom you call the grace to respond generously and to persevere faithfully. We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Amen."View / Download Prayer Card (296kB)
- Altar Servers
Presently the parish has few altar servers.
Their service and prayerful presence enhances the liturgical celebration.
Fr. Joseph is calling for more children to take up this ministry.
What It Means To Be An Altar Server (Video)
- Need For Volunteers
We are in urgent need of volunteers to:
- visit and bring Holy Communion to the sick and elderly in the nursing homes.
- clean the Parish Centre on a fortnightly basis.
- set up the Altar and arrange flowers.
Please see father or let the parish office know if you are able to help.
Thank you.
- Happy Families Pray Together
"The family that recites the Rosary together reproduces something of the atmosphere of the household of Nazareth: its members place Jesus at the centre, they share his joys and sorrows, they place their needs and their plans in his hands, they draw from him the hope and the strength to go on."
- John Paul II, Apostolic Letter on the Rosary of the Virgin Mary
View Rosary Prayer Card - Individual Confession vs. "General Absolution"
The Church hasn't banned the Third Rite which, by the way, consists in the general
absolution of a large number of people at once without individual confession.
The rite was first introduced during World War I to allow priests to absolve a large number of soldiers before they went into battle when it would have been impossible to hear all the confessions individually. At the time of the World War II the conditions were extended to other circumstances of imminent danger of death, and finally in 1972 they came to include situations such as those in mission territories where, if the priest did not absolve a large number of people at once, they would have to go for a long time without the grace of the sacraments through no fault of their own.
The norms on what has come to be called "general absolution" were incorporated into the 1983 Code of Canon Law in Canons 961-963 and into the Catechism of the Catholic Church in paragraphs 1483-1484 (cf. J. Flader, Question Time 1, Connor Court 2012, q. 80).
Up until some 15 years ago the Third Rite was used in many parishes in Australia. Significant numbers of people took advantage of it, partly because they were helped by the readings from Scripture, prayers and often a homily, and because many others were attending as well, emphasising the communal, ecclesial aspect of the sacrament. And since there was no need to confess their sins individually to the priest, they found it much easier than going to individual confession.
Why did it suddenly stop? Perhaps the more apposite question would be why it began in the first place. It is clear that the conditions required for its use simply do not exist in Australia, particularly the condition that if the priest did not absolve a large number of penitents collectively they would have to go for a long period of time without the grace of the sacraments through no fault of their own. While the number of priests has diminished somewhat, we are still well served with priests and parishes so that the sacrament of Reconciliation is readily available all over this country.
By the late 1990s the use of general absolution was fairly widespread, especially in some dioceses. During their five-yearly ad limina visit to Rome in 1998, the Australian bishops discussed this matter, along with others, with Pope [St.] John Paul and Vatican officials. At the end of their visit a long Statement of Conclusions was signed by representatives of the Australian bishops and of the Roman Curia. Among other matters, it encouraged the use of individual confession and, with respect to general absolution, said: "Unfortunately, communal celebrations have not infrequently occasioned an illegitimate use of general absolution. This illegitimate use, like other abuses in the administration of the sacrament of Penance, is to be eliminated. The bishops will exercise renewed vigilance on these matters for the future, aware that departures from the authentic tradition do great wrong to the Church and to individual Catholics" (n. 45).
Naturally, while general absolution is not to be used in this country, it still remains an option in countries where the conditions for its use exist.
Those who do take regular advantage of individual confession know how much good it does them. Apart from receiving forgiveness of their sins, they have an opportunity to do a thorough examination of conscience, to tell their sins personally to God through the priest and to receive helpful spiritual direction and encouragement. With the abundant grace the sacrament gives them, they begin their spiritual struggle anew each time, with their soul free from sin and filled with hope.
Pope [St.] John Paul II, in an address to priests at the beginning of Lent in 1981, said that "confession periodically renewed, the so-called confession 'of devotion', has always accompanied the ascent to holiness in the Church." And on 13 March, 1999, he told priests hearing confessions in the patriarchal basilicas of Rome: "It should not be forgotten that the so-called confession of devotion was the school which formed the great saints."
Would that more people made frequent use of this sacrament. Their growth in holiness through it would be a great blessing for themselves, for their families, for the Church and for the whole of society.
Fr John Flader
The Catholic Weekly,
12 May, 2013 - Consecration of The House To The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Please speak to Fr. Joseph or the parish office to organize day and time.
Fr Joseph would like to congratulate everyone who had their house consecrated recently.
- Consecration Of The Family
- Daily Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I consecrate my entire self to the Most Holy Love of Your Two Hearts. I wish to make reparation for all the sins of the world, including my own. I offer these things for the love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I will keep my mind on beauty and turn my thoughts from evil things. I will hold my temper and bear the mistakes of others with love and a forgiving heart. I will admit when I am wrong and ask others to forgive me. I will not show off, but remain humble. I will offer up all my sufferings, sicknesses and hurts and seek God’s Will, not my own. I will show appreciation for the kindness and blessings that I receive, and thank God for all things. I will do everything in my life for love of God and I will love others as God has loved me.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of the Im-maculate Heart of Mary, receive the offering and consecration I now make of myself to You. Keep me faithful until death and bring me one day to the happy home in heaven. I desire to live forever with God the Father and the Most Holy Spirit and You my Lord Jesus, together with Your Most Immaculate Mother.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
please protect us.
- Call of Guadalupe (COG)
Call of Guadalupe (COG) is a Christian-based, not-for-profit community theatre based in Melbourne, Australia.
Singers and Actors or backstage helpers wanted to join a choir for a concert or perform as a soloist on October 27 in Dandenong.
If you would like to be part of a choir or would like to audition to do a solo at the concert, please attend an information meeting on June 1st, at St Roch's church hall at 3pm
or contact:
Mob: 0413-398-528Concert is being staged by Cog theatre group and partner schools and parishes.
- Take Mary Home
We are excited to announce that our devotion to our blessed Virgin Mary 'Take Mary home' will be resuming after a long break on the 8th of September the nativity feast of our blessed virgin.
Our blessed mother is eagerly awaiting to visit each of our family in our community to pray with us and bless us like how she visited her cousin Elizabeth and blessed her with the infilling of the Holy Spirit, Luke 1: 42 - 45. We can be assured that when we ask our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of our blessed Mother Mary we can be guaranteed that our Lord will not deny to his Mother. Therefore, let’s prepare our hearts and home to invite our blessed virgin Mary and pray with her with one heart to our Triune God.
For further details please contact Rosy Paul
- St. Luke's Circle Group
All ages welcome!!
Do you know any good jokes? Can you do any acrobatics, perhaps a magic trick or can you play a musical instrument? Join an exciting and new group that meets every 1st Wednesday of the month.
Doors open at 10:00am in the Parish Centre. During school holiday time bring along your children and grandchildren to join in the fun.
We kindly ask for a gold coin donation as you participate in some ‘Gentle Exercises’, ‘Get To Know You’ games and cognitive activities. Please bring a cut lunch and discover the various gifts and talents that God has given us to share. All money raised will be spent on the group's needs.
Giuliana Baptist 0402-655-187
- Mothers Who Pray for Their Children
Come Mothers to Pray for our Children and for the Children of the whole world!
We will be at St. Luke's church, in the Chapel, every Thursday at 9:00am.
Straight after school drop off, this is a great opportunity to reconnect with God and strengthen ourselves for daily battles we face.
"On my knees I beg you, let my children stand brave. God you sustain me and please increase my faith!"
Please contact Giovanna Perrone, 0424-945-130, for more information.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Readers & Counters
Our parish would like to invite parishioners to become Readers and Extraordinary Ministers for our Masses.
These roles are a small but significant way to quietly participate in our parish community and your contribution would be greatly appreciated.
The current roster for Readers and Extraordinary Ministers at each of the Masses finishes at the end of March and we would really love to have more volunteers for both of these very important ministries. Our numbers are getting a bit low at some of the Masses and it would be great if we could add a few more names.
If you would like to offer your services but feel you’d need some form of training, please don’t hesitate to contact me and we will arrange to take you through the processes of either/both reading and commentating as well as being an extraordinary minister or the Eucharist.
It would be wonderful to have more people take part in either one of both of these ministries, so please contact me if you feel you’d like to participate.
Thank you to all who contribute their time and talent in this way.
Kaye Edgell
0408-816-321 - St. Vincent de Paul
Dear Parishioners,
Our St. Vincent de Paul team are asking for help with various items for our food store room, that people in our community so desperately need. Items may include: sandwich spreads (not peanut butter), breakfast cereals, snacks for kid’s school lunch boxes.
These can be placed in the Vinnies basket, located on the left hand side of the Piety Shop, or to the Parish Office.
Thank you.
Honor Tanner
President - Help for Marriages Under Stress
The coronavirus pandemic and lockdown may have caused stress to many marriages. Restore hope for your relationship’s future.
- We Need Your Help
We would like to hear from tradies, handymen and technicians in our community who would like to be included in our directory.
We may have odd jobs around the Church and would very much appreciate your help.
Please contact the parish office or get in touch with Fr Joseph.
- To Love To The End: Who will make your choices?
is a
Melbourne Archdiocese initiative to focus on an area of bioethics
where we can positively contribute to building up a civilization
of life and love.
The theme, "To Love to the End", deals with issues about dying and caring for our loved ones, the meaning and purpose of suffering and our duty as Christians to show love to every human being to the end.
Please collect a copy of the informative brochure and prayer card on this theme from the tables at the church entrances or you can view/download the brochure and card below.
View 'Love To The End' Brochure (927 kB)View Respect Life Prayer Card (359 kB)
- Overcoming Despair With Hope
Through Respect Life Sunday the church aims to equip
Catholics to better love those around us by providing vital information about the dangers of
the new abortion drug, RU486.
Pope Francis provided a beautiful example of how we reach out to women facing an unplanned pregnancy recently, when he took the time to listen to a story of a 35 year old Roman woman, then telephoned her to offer a listening ear, hope, encouragement and practical support for when the baby was born.
Read more when you pick up your copy of the green Respect Life brochure in the foyer, or
- Pope Tells Teens:
Happiness 'Is Not An App' -
Happiness is not an app you can download on your mobile phone, Pope Francis told thousands of teenagers on Sunday at a mass to mark a weekend dedicated to youth.
"Freedom is not always about doing what you want. In fact it is the gift of being able to choose the right way," he said in a homily punctuated by regular bursts of applause from the crowd on a packed St Peter's Square.
"Your happiness has no price. It cannot be bought and sold: it is not an application you download on a mobile phone. Even the latest version cannot help you to grow and become free in love."
An estimated 70,000 teenagers were in Rome for a weekend of events to celebrate Francis's Jubilee year dedicated to the theme of mercy.
In a surprise move on Saturday, the 79-year-old pontiff heard confessions from 16 of them and a video message from him was broadcast at a rock and rap concert in the Stadio Olimpico.
One of the teenagers chosen to confess to the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics said she had been trembling as she approached the chair on which the pope was sitting in St Peter's Square.
"But as soon as I sat down I had the feeling of being next to a normal person rather than the pope. Francis is really one of us," Anna Taibi, 15, told La Repubblica newspaper.
The Sicilian teenager said she had been touched by Francis's tenderness as he listened to her confession.
"I expected him to give me a penance ... instead he absolved me and let me go."
The importance of mobile phones to contemporary teenagers was also reflected in Francis's message to the concert.
Clutching an iPhone, he told his audience that living without Jesus was like not having any signal. "Always be sure to go where there is a network: family, parish, school," he said.